


For most entrepreneurs, technology is a lifeline.


Devices mediate vital communications.


Scheduling programs help organize busy lives.


Data infrastructures make it possible to collect, secure, analyze and transmit information as it happens in real-time.


Managing employees is much easier with project management software.


But when your technology isn’t productive, it kills your productivity, too.


Making some simple tweaks can help you optimize your performance — and that of your entire company.


Ready to start streamlining?


  1. Upgrade out-of-date technology
  2. 1.升级过时技术
  3. Is your equipment sluggish? Does it struggle to run new applications? Are you spending as much repairing your old devices as you would by replacing them?
  4. 你的设备迟钝吗?它是否难以运行新的应用程序?你花在修理旧设备上的钱和更换旧设备的花费一样多吗?
  5. Related: 9 Productivity Mistakes You’re Making in the First 10 Minutes of Your Day
  6. 相关:在一天中的前10分钟,你正在犯的错误
  7. No matter how cutting-edge your technology once was, its functionality will wane over time.
  8. 无论你的技术曾经多么尖端,它的功能都会随着时间的推移而减弱。
  9. The average office computer provides three to five years of service before retirement.
  10. 一般的办公电脑在退休前可以提供三到五年的服务。
  11. Smartphones and tablets often don’t make it to their two-year anniversaries.
  12. 智能手机和平板电脑往往无法度过两年的纪念日。
  13. Depending on the needs of your business, that lifespan could be even shorter.
  14. 根据您的业务需求,该寿命可以更短。
  15. Now’s a good time to take an honest appraisal of your technology’s performance.
  16. 现在是对您的技术性能进行诚实评估的好时机。
  17. Try giving equipment that’s not working efficiently a tune-up.
  18. 试着对不能有效工作的设备进行调整。
  19. If that doesn’t suffice, it may be time to replace it.
  20. 如果这还不够,可能是时候替换它了。
  21. Related: Upgrading Your IT Equipment
  22. 相关:升级您的IT设备
  23. The expense involved sometimes deters entrepreneurs from investing in needed upgrades, but it shouldn’t.
  24. 所涉及的费用有时会阻止企业家投资所需的升级,但它不应该。
  25. Look for ways to lower your costs.
  26. 寻找降低成本的方法。
  27. You can make some of your money back by selling or trading in used gear to a company like SellYourMac.
  28. 你可以通过向SellYourMac这样的公司出售或交易二手设备来赚回你的一些钱。
  29. You’ll have extra cash to buy the new tech that will help your business run smoother.
  30. 您将有额外的现金购买新的技术,这将帮助您的业务更顺利地运行。
  31. Making a bulk purchase with the same vendor could get you a discounted rate.
  32. 与同一供应商进行批量采购可以让您获得折扣率。
    1. Too much communication kills productivity
    2. 2.太多的沟通会扼杀生产力
    3. Communication keeps a business running.
    4. 沟通使企业保持运转。
    5. But too much communication over too many channels kills productivity.
    6. 但是在太多的渠道上进行太多的交流会扼杀生产力。
    7. Every day, communications inundate entrepreneurs on the go.
    8. 每天,通讯充斥着忙碌的企业家。
    9. Phone calls from clients come in.
    10. 客户的电话进来了。
    11. Text messages buzz in with urgency.
    12. 短信带着紧迫感蜂拥而至。
    13. A traffic jam of unread emails is always waiting for a reply.
    14. 塞车的未读电子邮件总是在等待回复。
    15. There are meetings and hangouts on the schedule.
    16. 日程表上有会议和常去的地方。
    17. Even apps like Slack, which was designed to simplify office communication, are becoming one more distraction from getting work done.
    18. 甚至像Slack这样旨在简化办公室沟通的应用程序,也正在成为工作完成的另一个分心因素。
    19. Related: 22 Power Routines That Will Boost Your Productivity
    20. 相关:将提高您的^生产力的^22电源例程
    21. What entrepreneurs need is a communications strategy that leverages the distinct advantages of each channel without overwhelming users.
    22. 创业者需要的是一种沟通战略,既能利用每个渠道的独特优势,又不会让用户不知所措。
    23. Don’t jump on GoogleHangouts without an agenda for the conversation.
    24. 在没有谈话议程的情况下,不要跳上GoogleHangouts。
    25. Start replacing unnecessary meetings with emails.
    26. 开始用电子邮件代替不必要的会议。
    27. Implement some rules on Slack to avoid distractions.
    28. 在松弛上实施一些规则以避免分心。
    29. And don’t be afraid to put your smartphone on mute if you really need to focus.
    30. 如果你真的需要集中注意力,不要害怕把你的智能手机设为静音。
    31. In most cases, the texts, calls and emails can wait.
    32. 在大多数情况下,短信、电话和电子邮件都可以等等。
      1. Fortify your security
      2. 3.加强安全性
      3. Nothing destroys your productivity quite like a data compromise.
      4. 没有什么比数据泄露更能破坏您的工作效率了。
      5. In 2017, breaches set individual businesses back $7 million, on average.
      6. 2017年,违规事件平均使单个企业损失700万美元。
      7. What’s not included in that tally is the toll being hacked takes on organizations.
      8. 不包括在这个统计中的是被黑客攻击给组织带来的损失。



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